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Hi Friend, 

You are not alone. Whether you have tried Intuitive Eating or heard of it...

You still find yourself eating to suppress emotions and wonder if you will ever know what moderation really means and looks like. It’s time to say goodbye to binge eating, eating too much sugar, it hurts your stomach and forcing yourself to do exercises that don’t make you happy. I will help you discover exactly what hunger feels like in your body, share simple strategies to make healthy eating fit into your lifestyle, and give you the support to stop self-sabotaging. No more wondering what happens when the diet plan ends. It’s time to take control of your body and build the trust within yourself you’ve always desired so get ready to feel your best, make food fun, and leave the guilt and shame at the door. Let’s reframe your mindset with food together! 

You want a diet that allows you to have fun with your life! 

You may have achieved that ideal body you’ve always wanted but you didn’t feel any different. You had anxiety that led you to eating more or can never really get over that sweet tooth. When you do let yourself have something sweet, you find yourself eating so much that you can’t even move your body. What you need is an out-of-the-box approach on how to feel healthy and respect your body, just the way it is from someone who has over a decade of nutrition knowledge. I share simple foundations about food to help women create an intuitive eating lifestyle that makes them feel like they know what is going on with their body. It’s finally your turn…

This program has totally changed my life! I was not confident about this in the beginning. I know people want to lose weight but I feel that your relationship to food is the most important. Once you solve your relationship with food and put your health and nutrition first, it all comes together in the end!

- Chelsea

Unlike any nutrition plan and diet that I have ever done. Going into it with an mind and being flexible helps because it is reframing how you think about food and yourself and learning to trust yourself. 

- Taylor

I feel so free with food, which is something I am not sure I have ever felt in my entire life. I admit, at first, I didn't want to trust her, I didn't want to give up the security blanket of "dieting," but it was TOTALLY worth it. I no longer crave sweets (although I do eat them if I decide I want to), I can't remember the last time I binged or felt shame around food. All of this was possible with Kim. 


Come hang out...

Follow Kim, @thesomaticdietitian on Instagram

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